As promised although a bit tardy in this posting, I wanted to talk about Kitchen Design. When I saw the movie Julie & Julia, I was inspired by this blogger who daily wrote about her trials cooking through each recipie appearing in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. With that said, let's move onto THIS blog and talk about Kitchen Trends and what's new in today's Kitchens.
1. Earth-friendly: Bamboo is the natural choice for kitchens. Whether it be a countertop made out of this material and used as a butcher block or if it's floors. This is a renewable resource. You won't find this in a lot of choice colors only because bamboo is such a dense material that using dyes is almost impossible. So, cleaning up after a wine spill, isn't going to be a problem.
Check out: http://www.teragren.com/
2. High-tech: This is where high-tech goes green. Bosch makes a great line now of dishwashers that not only have 'E" or evironmental settings that control temperature/energy, but also have settings for 1/2 loads. At prices that won't break the bank, this is how high-tech can help you in your kitchen plan. Like TV? Siemens' created a multi-media hood that features a 17-inch LCD screen with the options for watching television and DVDs or listening to music. TV dinners couldn't be better. LG even makes a television outiside the door of the refrigerator. Ice on one side, Oprah on the other.
3. Colorful: I have never seen so many options for kitchens now. As part of its Preference collection, Dacor recently introduced 24-inch dishwashers in an array of colors. A floating glass front panel is available in six colors: anthracite gray, sterling gray, titanium silver, blue water, slate green (shown), and black. BlueStar produces a gas range, available in 190 colors. How's that for cooking up some color?
4. Healthy: Copper's natural antibacterial properties make Native Trail's offerings especially alluring. The Farmhouse Duet recycled copper sink with a double basin and exposed apron front. Who'd know that copper not only looks great, but is good for you too!
5. Convenience: Convenience and making sure that everything is in reach and organized is the key. Making sure that everything is stored with everything from garages for all that stuff like mixers to ones for recycling and garbage. Storage makes a good look, a clean look, and it makes life a lot easier when everything is in it's place.